Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lots of New Happenings!

There have been many things happening around our studio the past week -- and there is much more to come! Read ahead and get the inside scoop...

1. 18 beautiful girls have taken over the studio for a month long teacher training immersion, we love having them!
2. MBFFFT- Our new deal: "Members bring a friend for free Tuesdays" has started!
3. We said goodbye to our wonderful instructor, Tarah. We are going to miss her so very much, but are excited for her new adventures!
4. We are sponsoring another night of the Free Concert Series in downtown Provo on Friday, August 8! Go down and support us -- who knows, you may walk away with a free 3B T-shirt or 8 class pass!
5. A big SALE is coming your way . . . ! We will post the details soon.
and finally...
6. Our student special starts August 8! 29.99/mo. for 9 months. A killer deal, if I do say so myself.

Namaste, friends!

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